You now have 4 options to add students to a new EZ Scan program and all 4 options allow you to reuse student QR cards. Follow the links to easily setup your EZ Scan Account for a new school year, a new semester, a special event, etc. 

Option 1: Copy/Paste Student Names 

            Plan A - Award levels do not carry over

  • A quick method if you organize students by classroom 
  • Starts your new program from scratch (awards and award levels need to be recreated)
  • To reuse QR cards, spelling of name must be exactly the same as previously listed 


          Plan B - Award levels carry over

  • A quick method if you organize students by classroom 
  • Awards and Award Levels can be carried over
  • To reuse QR cards, spelling of name must be exactly the same as previously listed 



Option 2: Advance Students 

  • Super quick method if your classes are by grade level (EX: All first-grade students are listed in one class, all second-grade students are listed in one class, etc.)
  • Allows you to keep awards/awards levels and carry over data (if desired)
  • QR cards are reusable.


Option 3: Purchase the EZ Scan Student Upload Service 

  • We do all the work for you! 
  • Simply and securely send us your student names file(s).
  • Please allow up to 2 weeks for service to be completed once student lists are received
  • Pricing starts at $90 for 1-500 student names.


Option 4: Keep students organized as they are, but start them at zero miles 

  • The quickest method to create a separate program for an event
  • QR Cards can be reused 
  • Awards/Award Levels are carried over
