A Program, in EZ Tally, is a period of time where laps and mileage are tracked. 

You can have multiple programs running during the same timeframe (pun intended).  

For example, you may decide to create three separate programs for the Fall Semester:

* Morning Mile session before school

* Mileage Club at recess

* and a one-time Fun Run

Simply create a specific program for each event to keep the mileage separate.

Each program contains separate groupings or classes of students.

If you want to creating one program for the entire school year, set the start date of the program to the beginning of the school year and set the end date to be after the school year is complete.  Be sure the start and end dates include all scanning sessions and allow extra time at the start/end of the date range for set-up, testing, and obtaining year-end statistics.

How to Create a New Program for This Year 

When creating a new program, you have the option to start from scratch (new classes, students, etc.) or base the program on a previous program. 

  • Starting from scratch is a good option if it has been more than a year since the last program or if you want to structure everything differently than before. 


  • Basing a new program on a previous program is a good option, if most of the students are in EZ Scan, from last year, and you want to advance them to the next grade. (You can always archive unneeded programs when you are all finished). 

This link will give you detailed instructions for both optionshttps://ezmileageclub.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/36000065998-creating-a-new-program- 


If you’re still unsure which option will be best for you, please check out the detailed choices at the following link: