This option to create a new program will remove the student's mileage and allow you to select the students from the previous program and move them into their new classes for the year. The students QR codes will be the same, and along with the courses and award levels you have set up.

Step 1. Users

This step you can add new users and email them a link to create a password. 

You will not be able to remove any users until you have completed creating the new program. 

Step 2. Classes

You can add any new classes or edit/delete any existing classes. 

Step 3. Students

The students will be in the left column and sorted by grade. You can select a specific grade by using the drop-down menu above the list of students. 

To move the students, select them on the left and then find the class they belong in the column on the right. You can also sort the classes by using the drop-down above the list. 

Once you have both the students and the class selected use the right arrow button to move the students into the class. 

If you make a mistake, you can remove a student from a class by selecting the name and clicking on the left arrow button. 

You can add new students that are not in the old program by selecting the class that they belong in and clicking on either the + or ++ button. 

The + button will allow you to enter in an individual student and the ++ button will let you copy and paste in multiple students at once. 

Note: If you accidentally close the tab or click save without moving all the students you can get back to that page by clicking on the teal box at the top of the page, selecting the new program you are working on, and copying this URL back into the web browser.

A tutorial video is attached below.