Below is a quick overview of what each EZ Tally report displays. Before beginning, be sure you are in the program from which you want to retrieve data. You can see the program name in the teal drop-down at the top of the EZ Tally page. 

To access the reports, click on Stats at the top of the page. Then click on the orange View Reports button. 


There are currently 10 PDF reports accessible in your account. Once you select the group, date range, and click "Get Report", the report is generated.  If the report does not open automatically or appear at the bottom of the screen, then you may need to check the Downloads folder on your computer.

Laps -- Total laps and mileage for each student by date range

Creates a list of each student’s total laps & miles, per course, for the date range given. Plus, a total for the group selected. (Also see the "Laps" and "Lap Totals" reports provided, in the "Spreadsheets" section below)

Distance -- Total miles for each student by date range

Creates a list of each student’s total miles for the date range given. Plus, a total for the group selected. This report lists the course used for the laps at the top. 

Time -- Total run time (with optional splits) by student

This report displays scan session data by date & time. It shows the device and course related to that scan session. It creates a list of each student’s individual laps, lap time, and overall time. To get splits, check the box titled, “Include Splits?” before clicking, “Get Report.” 

Monthly Participation -- Number of days a student participated each month for a yearly total

Creates a report, listed by student, showing the number of days they participated during each month, for a yearly total. Also displays the totals by month for the group selected. 

Daily Participation -- Number of days each student participated during a selected week

Creates a report, listed by student, marking the days they participated during the selected week, with a total number of days participated by student. Also shows the total number of students participating per day and the total number for the group selected. 

Group Average -- Daily, weekly, and student averages by group for the date range selected

This report displays the daily average, weekly average, and average miles per student, based on the group selected. It also displays the total miles for the group. 

Student Average -- Daily and weekly averages per student for the date range selected

This report displays the daily and weekly average mileage for each student within the group and date range selected. It also provides the total miles per student.

Student Monthly Progress -- Number of miles per student for the year

The date range for this report is one calendar year. It displays the number of miles covered by each student per month, with a yearly total. The report also includes an overall monthly and yearly total for the group selected. 

Student Daily Progress -- Number of miles per student for the selected week

The date range for this report is one weekIt displays the number of miles covered by a student, each day, with a total for the week. It also displays the total for each day and the week for the group selected. 

Individual Student Report -- Total laps and miles for each student selected for the date range

This report allows you to select all students within a group or individual students within the groupA new page is created for each student. The report shows total laps and miles per course, monthly participation, and monthly distance for each student in the selected date range. (Note: These reports may be generated for a 1-year time frame. For example: 08/01/2021-08/01/2022)


There are also spreadsheets available in EZ Tally. 

From the Reports page click on the orange Spreadsheets button at the top right of the page. 

Laps -- A list of each individual lap

This spreadsheet lists each individual lap entry, for every student in the group selectedEach entry includes the student’s name, class, course the lap is associated with, device used to record the lap, date and timestamp of the lap, session start time, and time to complete the lap for the selected date range. 

Lap Totals -- A list of the total number of laps & distance for each student

This spreadsheet lists each student and their class, with their total number of laps and distance, by course, for the selected date range. There is also a combined total for each student in the selected group.