The Roster Page is a searchable listing of all students in your account. This is a place to find names, add inactive names to classes, and complete new program creation if any names were missed.
It is divided into:
Active Students and Inactive Students
Active Students: Students currently in the selected program (noted in the teal box in header).
Inactive Students: Students not in the current program, but in the database.
- Students may be moved from one group to the other.
- To find a student you may scroll (click the header to sort alphabetically) or search by typing the student name.
To move a group of students from inactive to active:
Click on the student(s) name(s), click "Add to Program", note the class and click “OK” to move them to the active list.
To delete a student from the Inactive Student List:
If there is a student that has graduated from the program and you would like to delete them from the Inactive Student List:
- Click on the red Trash Can to the right of the Student Id Number
- A window will open, asking if you are sure you want to delete the student. Click OK.
** Note: If a student is deleted from the Inactive List, the only way to restore them to the database is to contact **