A course is any area you use for laps. It may be a track, a gym perimeter, an open field, a sidewalk path, anything you have available.  You can have multiple courses.  When you start a scan session, the EZ Scan app will ask you which course you are using for that session.

To create a new course, follow the steps below.

  1. After logging into EZ Tally on your computer, click on Edit My School at the top right of the window.
  2. Click on the Courses tab.
  3. Click the +Add Course button.
  4. Name your course (avoid using apostrophes and commas in the name). 
  5. Input either the number of laps per mile or the distance of one lap. The system will calculate the other.
  6. Select either Miles or Kilometers as the unit of measure.
  7. Enter your desired scan delay.  A scan delay is the minimum amount of time required between an individual's scan. The default time is 60 seconds.
  8. Click OK.
  9. On your scanning device, be sure to press the SYNC NOW button in the EZ Scan app, before your next scan session.  This will send your course changes to the app, so that it is available to be selected.


  • Course laps or distance may be modified at any time, but changing the distance of a course that has been used for scanning, will recalculate the mileage for all of the laps associated with that course. 
  • SCAN DELAY - prevents an individual student from scanning their QR code twice on the same lap. That individual student has to wait until the delay is up to scan again. 
  • To edit a course, click on the Pencil icon to the right of the course name.